Vulturing Should Be a Crime against Love

Marta Levchenko
3 min readJul 19, 2022


Have you ever heard of the saying by Abraham Cowley that man is similar to all kinds of beasts? I believe the quote means people can have the confidence of a lion or the cunningness of a fox.

In this case, it can also mean that man is an opportunist like a vulture.

Vultures are noble creatures because they do not cause harm. They only wait until an animal is dying to attack. However, you should be wary of their human counterparts.

Do you know how someone becomes too friendly with a person who’s in a relationship? Sometimes, they’re just being good people. But most of the time, they’re vulturing.

What is Vulturing?

It’s a toxic dating trend that’s been around for a while. Vulturing is a technique that manipulators use to get close to someone in a dying relationship. Once the couple breaks up, the vulture swoops in to become the so-called ‘friend.’

What’s happening is a person using friendship as a disguise to get what they want — sex. They don’t even need to make an effort because they just wait for the relationship to die. That’s why we call them vultures.

Once a vulture gets what they want, they’ll stick around to repetitively manipulate the victim. When you ask if they’re dating, they’ll only say they’re just friends. As a matchmaker, I consider this a crime against love.

How to Spot Vulturing

A manipulative vulture is pretty easy to spot — especially around social circles. You just have to find lovers in your friend groups and pay attention to the people around them. Here are a few steps on how to spot vulturing.

  • Find the Tense Relationship

Try to figure out which of the couples in your circles is in a tense relationship. They might not be talking or are keeping some distance from each other to cool down. Once you find them, it’s on to the next step.

  • Look Out for that ‘Friend’

Vultures will act like friends, but they’re unusually caring. Boundaries mean nothing to them, and they reek of desperation. You can find them close by whenever their victim is around because they need to pretend like they are ‘friends.’

  • Be Aware of the Time Frame

The last step in spotting a vulture is paying attention to the coincidences. Did this person start acting friendly when the lovers began fighting? Were they even close before the couple was on the verge of breaking up?

Don’t Become a Vulture

You might be asking why you should know all this, and the answer is simple — because it emotionally scars a person. You should treat it as a crime against love and try to stop anyone from doing it.

When a person falls victim to vulturing, they might develop dependency issues. Sometimes, it can even lead to trauma where they can’t hope to find lasting relationships anymore.

Don’t even try to attempt vulturing on anyone. Everyone deserves love, but that doesn’t mean you have to use another relationship to find it. At the end of the day, vulturing gains nothing and only hurts someone. Stay aware.



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