TikTok’s ‘Marriage Language’ Trend Is Not Cringe
Getting married is a milestone that brings a lot of changes to a person’s life.
For couples who’ve been together for a significant amount of time, these changes include the way they communicate and the names they give normal, everyday things.
Tiktok calls this “marriage language”.
Husbands and wives all over the internet are now sharing their funniest and weirdest personal dialects, all born out of years of a life shared together. Some examples come off as endearing. Others, not so much.
In fact, people online are split about how to take this new trend. Many think that it causes just about the worst kind of second-hand embarrassment, while the rest insist that no, marriage language is actually kind of sweet.
What is ‘Marriage Language’?
Sometimes, it’s about adding cute syllables to simple words so they end up sounding like baby talk, and other times, it’s using inside jokes to refer to household items or famous brands.
It’s how you get “swimps” instead of shrimps, “longree soz” in place of laundry detergent, and “starbonk” instead of Starbucks. One couple even reacts to their morning alarm with a muttered “gagadub” to remind themselves that they “gotta get up.”
The marriage language trend is showing the world a glimpse of the rich inner lives of married couples. Apparently, when you spend nearly all your time together, that level of intimacy will eventually affect the way your brain works.
To Be Loved Is to Be Changed
Even though marriage language was popularized on TikTok, where most users are Millennials and Gen Z, this type of behavior is neither new nor exclusively for modern lovers.
It even manifests between people who don’t necessarily have romantic relationships.
The funny term you use to call overcooked rice can be from that one time your mother left the kitchen unattended when you were a kid. All the nicknames you have for your rude aunts and uncles can still be the ones you came up with when you and your siblings were bored during a family get-together all those years ago.
Marriage language is only an example of the many ways that the people we love can transform our lives. Long-term exposure aside, it’s incredibly easy to create a bubble that’s separate from the rest of the world when you’re with someone important to you.
In this bubble, you can have as many secret codes as you wish. In this safe space, your most cherished memories become a part of your everyday life.
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known
Most of the complaints about marriage language being cringe have to do with letting the internet know just how childish or corny you can get when you’re with your partner.
Granted, there are people who prefer being private. For them, sharing something so personal can be deeply embarrassing.
But this doesn’t mean that the couples who do choose to talk about their marriage language need to be ashamed. After all, isn’t that the goal? To know without a shadow of a doubt that the way you look at the world has been forever altered because you are loved and your life is shared with someone special?
TikTok has birthed some of the craziest trends, a lot of which can be genuinely baffling or even upsetting.
But marriage language is one of a handful that’s simply fun and earnest.
It’s meant to let people celebrate the fact that wherever they are and whatever happens, there’s always someone out there who understands them.