
Should Guys Pay for Everything in a Relationship?

Marta Levchenko
3 min readJan 24, 2025
two people using a laptop to shop online
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels

It’s one thing to expect men to pay for a first date dinner, but it’s entirely another to demand that they foot the bill for all meals and activities when spending time with their partner.

Many of us have always counted on the gentlemen to be thoughtful and generous, but what does this really entail? Should guys pay for everything in a relationship?

Is a man’s willingness to cover all dating expenses a reflection of his capacity to provide? What does it say about couples if they choose to divide expenses equally?

More importantly, is talking about things like this something you need to do with the person you’re dating?

Who Pays for Dates?

One camp says it should be the person who asked the other out, regardless of their gender. Other groups insist that going Dutch is much more preferable.

But a lot of people still swear by traditional gender roles that expect men to pay because men are supposed to be the providers. If he can’t afford a dinner at a good restaurant, how else can he afford to raise a family?

While all camps have reasonable arguments, in the end, it really depends on the couple involved.

However, what’s clear is that more people should understand that the mindset of men paying for dates is not just a matter of pride or ego. It has also created pressure among guys to earn more and be financially successful because otherwise, they won’t find women who will want them.

Whether or not guys should pay for a first date is also different from the question, “Should guys pay for everything in a relationship?”

While the former makes sense in a practical and conventional way, the latter can call into question what women contribute to a partnership.

On Couples Who Split Expenses

If a guy pays for everything does he like you?

For women who are wondering about this, the response is usually positive. At the very least, he likes you enough to assume his role as “The Man” and provide what you need when you’re spending time together.

The question now is if you’re going to take advantage of that.

What women want in a relationship and what men want aren’t always the same, but this doesn’t mean they can’t meet each other halfway.

In terms of sharing expenses, a woman who has the means can always offer to contribute financially. If her partner insists, this still doesn’t give her the freedom to overspend and squander his money.

If you really want to be with someone, your combined expenses will be more than just dinner date bills. Learning to shoulder the costs of your relationship in both material and nonmaterial ways is just part of sharing your life with a partner.

Financial Planning for Couples

“Should guys pay for everything in a relationship?” is something that needs to be discussed between couples. There’s no answer that applies to all relationships.

If the man is the one who has a job, and the woman is in charge of the house and the children, then it would seem like he is the one paying for everything.

But that is the role he has decided to take, and if it works for his partner and family, then it works. For others, the woman can also have a job and they can share all the other responsibilities between them.

This is why it’s important to have plans not just for duties within your relationship but also for how you spend your money when you’re dating or married to someone.

There are things that men choose to be accountable for, but that doesn’t mean he’s the only one who should sustain a relationship — whether it’s in terms of money or about all the other aspects of a partnership.



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