Not All Men: 5 Signs That He’s a Guy with Good Intentions
Not all men.
This phrase has been used, both seriously and ironically, by people who want to talk about whether or not every man contributes to gender inequality.
Some say there are good eggs out there, hence the term “not all men”, while others claim that being a man alone makes someone culpable in some way.
But instead of answering that argument, let’s take a look at how, exactly, a man can prove that he is not the kind of guy many women fear.
When it comes to relationships, what can women look for to recognize a man who won’t just be safe to date but also be a great potential lover?
1. He respects your boundaries.
Unfortunately, not all men know or respect women’s limitations and boundaries.
But the good news is this: not all men violate them either.
If you’re a woman and you’re dating a guy who doesn’t cross any lines and understands when there are things you’re not comfortable with or ready for, then you may have just found yourself a keeper.
2. He walks the talk.
Another sign that can tell you a guy has good intentions and is not, in fact, someone who’s dangerous to women, is if he puts his words into actions.
He says he’s good at something? He proves it through deeds.
He claims that chivalry is not dead? He displays good manners and gentlemanly behavior.
He tells you that not all men are going to hurt and abuse women? He proves his good intentions every chance he gets.
3. He doesn’t badmouth other women just to compliment you.
It’s far too easy for men to use other women as a way to praise you and make you feel good.
It’s so easy that the phrase “not like other girls” has become synonymous to “not all men” as a way to separate good, “special” people from the rotten ones.
But if a guy really is sincere about liking you and not just buttering you up to get what he wants, he won’t feel the need to put down others just to find good things to say about you.
Comparisons can be good and all, but if it becomes a pattern — if the only way for him to compliment you is through criticizing others — then his intentions may not be as earnest as you’d like them to be.
4. He doesn’t badmouth other men just to impress you.
In a similar way, a man comparing himself to other men in order to make himself look and sound good can also be a red flag.
He can insist that not all men are bad or do a certain thing women dislike, and he can be right. But furthering his point does not require always disparaging other men.
If he can talk about himself without constant comparisons, it means his worth is not hinged on other people.
If he can express his intentions with you without dragging someone else into the conversation, then he understands that your relationship is between the two of you and no one else.
5. He can take a rejection.
Not all men can take no for an answer. Some even get violent, which is why plenty of women truly believe they’re risking their lives every time they go out there to meet and date men.
But there are also men who don’t deserve that reputation, who have good intentions and a genuine desire to make meaningful connections with women.
They are the ones who can handle a rejection like a champ, who can understand when their feelings are not reciprocated and harbor no ill will as a result.
If you meet a guy who could prove to you that not all men act like jilted lovers if you turn them down, then you know his intentions with you were good.
Even if he’s not the one for you, he can still be the right man for another lucky woman out there.
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