How to Tell if You’re Being HOOKED into a Bad Relationship

Marta Levchenko
3 min readJul 4, 2022


Have you ever heard someone you liked before say “I really like you but I can’t be with you right now.”? It may seem like a sweet notion but do not be fooled. You could be hooked and led to believe that she could one day be in a relationship with you.

What Is Hooked?

Being hooked in relationship terms is a euphemism for leading someone on with no interest in a commitment, they usually lead them on until someone better arrives

It’s a form of mental abuse that you do to someone who is interested in you but you’re not interested in. They can be in forms of relationships where they grant you favors in exchange for light intimacy or companionship.

They will constantly string you along until they get the most out of you and then move on to the next. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to stop thinking with your heart and start looking long and hard at the signs that she’s stringing you along.

1. No Commitment

Do you always take initiative in your relationship? Is she fully committed to the relationship? Are you unsure when she’ll be available?

If you relate to some of these questions then you have to take this as a sign of how you two view the relationship. Because a little spontaneity is good in every relationship but being spontaneous throughout the whole relationship is difficult and can lead to hurt expectations

2. Miscommunication

When both of you are communicating with each other, is she being clear or is she sending you mixed signals? Does she say that she is happy to see you then at the last minute she cancels without any explanation?

Miscommunication is one of the main causes why relationships break or go awry. When you are not clear about what you both want, it can be hard to take things to the next level.

Allowing yourself to be hooked by them diminishes any sense of you wanting to fix the relationship. You only care about them being happy or about you being satisfied by them. No communication is being done to fix it because you are showing them you don’t mind being strung along.

Here are some causes and effects of miscommunication in relationships:

  • Cheating
  • Overthinking
  • Assumptions
  • Failed Expectations
  • Ghosting

3. The Relationship is One-sided

If she tells you that “she isn’t looking for a serious relationship right now,” you should believe that. There is a possibility that she likes you but isn’t fully ready to commit to you. But the hard truth is she just doesn’t like you that way.

By leading you on to expect a serious relationship from her, she is free to take advantage of you without it reflecting negatively on her since she was honest from the start.

Most of the hookup culture is like this, all pleasure with no real commitment. All you are left with is your idea of what this person could be.

Set Yourself Free

Being hooked on a relationship is brutal and emotionally draining, and it’s even worse if you are not aware of it. Each relationship comes with its challenges and sometimes you would have to compromise and sacrifice for that other person.

But if nothing changes or if they aren’t willing to do the same for you then you need to recognize the hook attached to you and free yourself from that relationship.



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