How to Dance with Style and Impress the Ladies

Marta Levchenko
7 min readMay 22, 2024
A man learning how to dance with the help of an instructor.
Interested in someone? Learn how to dance to impress her. | Photo by
cottonbro studio on Pexels

As a single man who’s interested in dating a Latina, imagine this:

You’re willing to do anything to try to impress her. However, on one of your meetups, she drags you to the dance floor. Not knowing how to dance, you just stand there awkwardly and slowly make your way to the back. If that’s the case, you can say goodbye to your chances of winning her over.

That said, save yourself from a night of regret. Impress your woman by learning how to dance.

How to Be a Good Dancer

For most men, a good dancer is someone who knows how to do dance tricks, such as backflips or fancy routines. However, when trying to impress a woman, you don’t need to reach the stage dancing level. All you need to do is be with her on the dance floor and not dance horribly.

Here are three tips on how to be a good dancer.

Be Confident

Being on the dance floor can easily make you anxious. However, don’t try to think about what people will say.

Confidence is key. Without it, even the best dancers won’t look as good.

But how can you feel confident when you don’t know how to dance?

Just be yourself. If you try to follow popular dance moves that are too advanced or complicated just so you can impress a woman, it will show and end up becoming a major turn-off.

Don’t stress on the complicated steps or the mistakes you’ll make. Just let yourself loose and enjoy moving your body to the music.

Moreover, fake it till you make it. You can try to act confident at first. Later on, you won’t even notice that you’re acting with real confidence.

Know the Basics and Spice It Up

Know the fundamentals of dance. To do so, turn on any song you like. Then, listen to the beat of the music or the thump pattern. Once you recognize it, try to nod, clap, or snap your fingers to the rhythm. This will help you warm up and get the beat down.

Now that you have a good sense of it, you can try working on your footwork. Simply shift your weight from your left foot to the right, then vice versa. As you do so, add a bit of bounce to put energy into your dancing.

Afterwards, you can try adding some hip and arm movements. Once you’re comfortable with the music, you can experiment with some fancy moves and positions, and create your style by learning from professionals or watching your friends or even strangers dance.


Dance whenever you have free time. This way, you’ll be able to get the hang of things and refine your moves.

You can look up dance practices and video tutorials of songs you want to dance to. Afterward, try following them even if what you’re doing isn’t perfect.

You can also work on one aspect at a time. For example, you can start working on your footwork before moving on to your arm movements. After working on each aspect, you’ll realize that your moves will flow well. This way, you won’t constantly have to question how to not be stiff when dancing.

A man practicing how to dance by focusing on his arm movements.
Baby steps! Learn how to dance by focusing on one aspect at a time. | Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

How to Dance at a Club

The purpose of going to the club is for you to let loose and, hopefully, have fun with the woman you’re interested in. But how are you going to do that when you don’t know how to dance at a club?

Here are some tips to keep in mind.

Mind the Space

Unlike your spacious bedroom or living room, the club is a place packed with people. So if there’s anything you need to know when dancing in the club, it’s to mind the space you have on the dance floor.

That said, you don’t have to do stage dancing level moves and have your arms fully extended. Just make sure you don’t hit anybody as you’re dancing with your partner.

Moreover, as the gentleman, try to protect her from getting hit and see to it that she has a good time.

Build Attraction Gradually, Don’t Immediately Get Intimate

When at the club, it’s normal to have a few drinks, and afterward, try to be intimate with someone you’re interested in. However, you must not end up invading her space. Instead, gradually build attraction.

Check on her cues to see if she’s okay with you getting closer. If she is, you can try placing your hands on her hips and following the rhythm together.

How to Dance at a Rave

People who go to raves are mainly there to relieve stress. So when at rave parties, you’ll find that most people on the dance floor are doing their own thing.

That said, you may be thinking that it’s alright to do your basic club moves. However, raves require you to do something different.

Here’s how to dance at a rave.

Do Basic Dance Tricks

Unlike dancing at a club, dancing at a rave requires you to know certain dance styles that go well with electronica and trance music. Knowing this, you might feel intimidated. But there are some basic dance tricks that you can do when at a rave.

One of them is the apple-picking move. As the name suggests, you can just imagine picking an apple overhead while syncing your arm and foot movements.

Another simple move is the running man. All you need to do is first, lift your right knee to your waist. Then bring your leg down while you slide your left foot back. Next, lift your left knee to your waist and repeat the footwork. The move is similar to what you’re doing when you’re running, so it’s something that you already know how to do.

Use Your Rave Accessories

Your rave experience isn’t complete if you don’t have neon-colored glow sticks or small LED lights that you attach to your fingers. These are often used by dancers to accentuate their moves.

However, if you aren’t as experienced at dancing, you can use these accessories to make people focus on them instead of your moves. Just have one rave accessory for each hand and try to swirl or juggle them around.

People knowing how to dance at a club.
Stand out from the crowd by knowing how to dance at a club. | Photo by Edoardo Tommasini on Pexels

How to Dance Mambo

As someone interested in dating a Latina, you need to know how to dance mambo as it’s one of the common dances they love to do. This is because it’s energetic and mesmerizing to look at.

Now, if you’re a complete beginner, you need to at least know these three basic things:


When dancing the mambo, your positioning is similar to when you’re doing cha-cha or rumba. You have your left hand meeting her right. Meanwhile, you place your right hand on her back, underneath the blade of her left shoulder, as she places her left on your shoulder.


Although counting your steps is easy, you might want to think otherwise when it comes to mambo. This is because, unlike other dances wherein the steps start on the first count, mambo starts on the second.

That said, you may be confused for a while. However, once you get used to dancing at the count of two, you’ll be okay.

Forward Basic and Backward Basic

Mambo is all about forward-backward motion. So these two are essential steps that you should first learn as a beginner. Afterward, you can add some basic arm and hip movements.

However, keep in mind that for these fundamental steps, as the male, you are always leading the dance.

How to Dance Tango

Another Latin dance that you need to learn is tango. It’s the best option if you want to spark romance between you and a Latina, as you can use its intimate nature to impress her.

That said, here are three things you should know when learning how to dance tango.


In tango, you usually embrace your partner when dancing.

There are two types of embrace. One of which is the open embrace wherein there’s space between the two of you. The other is the close embrace wherein you’re near enough so that your chest and legs touch.


There are many variations of tango. This includes the tango argentino, tango nuevo, and vintage tango.

Regardless of the type, however, tango dancing is characterized by the sharp turns the dancers make. That said, make it a point to practice your sharp head snaps, as well as your staccato-like movements.

Basic Steps

Unlike mambo wherein learning the forward and backward basic steps is enough, tango is more challenging because you need to know at least 10 steps. However, once you know and can do them, it becomes easy to combine one basic step with another.

A couple that knows how to dance tango.
Impress a Latina! Learn how to dance tango and make your way to her heart. | Photo by Los Muertos Crew on Pexels

Dance Smoothly to Her Heart

Do you want to impress a Latina? Then it’s time to stop standing alone in the back corner and make your way to the dance floor.

There are several ways for you to avoid being a horrible dancer so you can impress your woman while having a great time. Learn how to become a better dancer and dance your way to her heart.



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